Abandoned Boats and Fishing Gear
Boats, fishing nets, shrimp traps, and crab pots left in the water can cause problems for swimmers, boats, wildlife, and the environment.
Abandoned Vessels
The Washington Department of Natural Resources operates a derelict vessel removal program that provides funding and expertise to help public agencies remove and dispose of abandoned boats. Visit the Web site for program guidelines, forms, and other materials.
Derelict Fishing Gear
Abandoned fishing gear, such as nets, lines, and crab pots take years to decompose and in the meantime can entangle swimmers and animals, damage boats, and degrade the environment. Visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Web site to learn more about this problem and to report sightings of abandoned gear online.
Safety and Regulations
American Whitewater
This group supports whitewater enthusiasts across the nation. Their mission is to protect and restore whitewater rivers and enhance opportunities to enjoy them safely. They have created two videos to help keep you safe during your next river trip: Planning and Preparing for a River Trip and At the River and On the Water.
U.S. Coast Guard Boating Safety Division
The Coast Guard Web site is dedicated to helping boaters prevent accidents on the water. You’ll find detailed information on safety tips, boating courses, laws and regulations, navigation systems, free programs, recalls, and defects.
Safer Paddling Video Series
Improve your paddle sports safety with these expert tips from American Canoe Association-certified instructors. The instructors share safety, skills, and gear tips for kayaking, canoeing, and other paddle sports.
Washington State Laws of Recreational Boating
The Revised Code of Washington Chapter 79A.60 provides a list of state rules related to recreational boating in Washington.
National Data Buoy Center (real time information)
This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration unit designs, develops, operates, and maintains a nationwide network of data-collecting buoys and coastal stations. You may obtain recent and historical data.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
The auxiliary is the volunteer arm of the U.S. Coast Guard. Members support the Coast Guard by conducting safety patrols on local waterways and vessel safety checks for the public, free of charge. These volunteers also provide search and rescue assistance, seamanship training, weather training, and public education instruction. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary District 13 serves Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
U.S. Power Squadrons
The U.S. Power Squadron is a nonprofit, educational organization that is committed to making boating safer and more enjoyable. Squadron members teach classes in seamanship, navigation, engine maintenance, weather, sail, and marine electronics. Find the district serving your area.
Boat Taxes
Learn about what taxes you might have to pay for your boat with this Washington Department of Revenue publication.
Recreational Resources
Marinas.com is a private Web site that features aerial photographs of marinas, an interactive mapping database, and extensive information on marinas around the world.
Footloose Sailing Organization
This nonprofit is dedicated to helping people with disabilities achieve sailing competence and independence on the water.
American Whitewater
American Whitewater promotes conservation and restoration. With more than 100 paddling club affiliates nationwide, the group advocates for the preservation of whitewater resources. The group connects the interests of recreational river users with ecological and scientific data.
Washington Water Trails Association
This group promotes advocacy, education, and stewardship of Washington’s waterways. The nonprofit seeks to preserve access to Washington’s waters for future generations.
Restoration Work
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance conducts multiple cleanup events every year, involving hundreds of volunteers from dozens of workplaces and organizations. Focusing on waterways and shorelines, volunteers clean beaches, paddle kayaks to find trash in hard to reach spots, and tow large debris safely to shore with larger boats.
Washington Department of Natural Resources
Agency staff carry out on-the-ground restoration projects and offer various levels of support to others working on restoration projects adjacent to state-owned aquatic lands, including removing creosote logs and chemically treated materials from the shores and estuaries of both private and state-owned aquatic lands.